Flavien Solt

Simulated memory controller

A Google Summer of Code 2020 project for LowRisc CIC, supervised by Greg Chadwick, Pirmin Vogel and Alex Bradbury.


As the gap between CPU and main memory frequency has dramatically increased in the past decades, a CPU typically interacts with a relatively slow main memory, which requires a considerable number of cycles to output data.

This is one reason why benchmarking a CPU core on a FPGA is a delicate task. As the soft core frequency is reduced compared to an ASIC implementation, its main memory may respond much faster than in typical ASIC operation. Additionally, there is no straightforward way to emulate a specific main memory configuration.


The objective of this project has been to produce a configurable, synthesizable module to put between an AXI master (typically a CPU) and an AXI slave (a memory controller) port. The module slows down the message’s arrival to the requester by a delay following a configurable and realistic slower memory controller timing.

The simulated memory controller module is inserted between the requester (typically the CPU) and the (real) memory controller.

Fig: Simulated memory controller integration


The project repository contains:

Future work

The current simulated memory controller can be extended in multiple documented ways, notably:

The integration in Xilinx Vivado still encounters some problems. This is the object of a specific issue.

The future work is more precisely described at the end of the project documentation.